Sunday, July 10, 2011

Going Back Home

My parents have now been in the states for nearly 37 years and are now retired. This means they are packing up to move back to Croatia in this marvelous house they built within walking distance of the sea.  The plan is to move sometime this year. So, what does that mean for their next of kin? They have dreams that we will all move to some country in Europe one day to live a simpler life than they had, more time with family and leisure and less time working so hard. That's not to say they didn't appreciate their financial security, compared to the less secure life my aunts and uncles have been living in Croatia. My father worked as a welder for the city’s transit system and my mother worked delivering packages for a big name delivery company. A simpler life means worrying less about finances and not being so overworked, but what parent hasn't wanted their kids to lead an easier life, especially those that had less and struggled a little more?

My parent’s move seems a little less common within the Croatian community. Yes, many Croatians have built homes, their own sanctuaries reserve for them and their offspring away from their own parents and siblings. On the other hand, these homes are simply there as a second home while they keep their roots in the place they raised their children and are now helping to raise their grandchildren.  My parent’s are a rarity, they left an underdeveloped country, worked hard, saved money, gave their kids the “American” dream, and, unlike many others, are ACTUALLY moving back to their native homeland. I think many immigrants that came over had that initial intention to return one day, but life took over.  There are no grandchildren yet for my parents and so I wonder, if there were, would they have built their “second” home? I know they get comments from others about their decision to leave. What will they do once those grandkids come along, “you’ll want to be back.”

I look at their move as a positive thing. It will allow my husband and I to visit the country more often and see my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Once we have children, it will allow them to pick up the language better, and my parents will finally be in a place they call home as they watch their offspring continue the same journey. 

All content © Marija Jurcevic 

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